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Faculty Talk

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Harnessing artificial intelligence for development – One of the most promising technologies is artificial intelligence: The use of computers to perform tasks which normally require human intelligence

Many of the worst problems of developing countries in health, education and financial inclusion are caused by unavailability of skilled professionals: doctors, teachers and bank officers, particularly in rural areas. There are obvious reasons for this shortage: it’s costly to train experts and they naturally prefer the highest-paying jobs in cities. Furthermore, the countryside has […]

Harnessing artificial intelligence for development – One of the most promising technologies is artificial intelligence: The use of computers to perform tasks which normally require human intelligence Read Post »

All, Faculty Talk

Is B-School campus outside flagship location a good choice?

Post-graduation in management is the most sought-after course for graduate students. MBA from a university or a post-graduate diploma in management (PGDM) are the most popular choices for students to pursue post-graduation in management education. The history of management education in India goes back to as early as 1913 when the first college-level business school

Is B-School campus outside flagship location a good choice? Read Post »

All, Faculty Talk, PGDM Healthcare Management

Article on #ForbesIndia.com: Enhancing last mile in healthcare delivery by retail health-kiosks

Enhancing last mile in healthcare delivery by retail health-kiosks Health-kiosks have the ability to maintain the personal touch which cannot be provided by Artificial Intelligence or Mobile Apps or chat bots Image: Shutterstock The Indian public healthcare system strenuously lacks healthcare facilities especially in rural areas where the ratio of population and infrastructure is skewed.

Article on #ForbesIndia.com: Enhancing last mile in healthcare delivery by retail health-kiosks Read Post »

All, Faculty Talk

In digital age, along with students, teachers must turn into co- learners

The way ahead for teachers in the digital era is two-forked. Each teacher must reflect on the changes he/she needs to make in teaching. They must study the various changes taking place in classrooms across other countries. The disruption that took place two decades ago has influenced our today, and we are at the cusp

In digital age, along with students, teachers must turn into co- learners Read Post »

All, Faculty Talk

Machine learning, big data will transform pedagogy

Technology is increasingly impacting our professional and personal lives. In this fast-paced economic environment, most client-centric businesses are stretching their technology bandwidth to achieve a higher return on investment. Adding new skills that are relevant to technology breakthroughs, machine learning and big data will change the game for professionals and organisations alike, while new technologies

Machine learning, big data will transform pedagogy Read Post »

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