Objective of the event
To enable knowledge sharing and networking among more than 500 thought leaders, business heads, marketing heads from the community that drives the rural markets of India.
Event Description
The half-day conclave was intended to explore and deliberate on the changing landscape of the Indian rural sector. Technology adoption and its present status and future directions were mentioned as part of the discussion. The conclave had industry and academic participation. There was discussion about the rural consumers are evolving and how their needs and preferences are changing in a post-pandemic world. Corporate executives from Bayer, Corteva, Dehaat, Egg First, ITC, Reshamandi, and Bighaat shared their insights about the rural economy is evolving and how they are developing their business models according to the changing rural environment. Overall, the conclave provided an overview of the changing dynamics of rural India.
Presided by & Attended by
Jinesh Shah, managing partner- Omnivore Ravishankar Cherukuri- VP-MKTG- Bayer India Rishi Gupta- MD CEO, Fino Payments Bank Dr. Sudhir Kumar Goel-Ex-Additional Chief Secretary of Agriculture, State of Maharashtra Davesh Pratap Sign Bhadouriya- Sr VP-Global Busines operations, ReshaMandi Saurabh Bagla- Director- Upaj Absolute.