The main objective of the talk was to know about –
- Agriculture Technology Digital Transformation and Project Management at the executive level.
- Uses and Application of technology for improving agriculture productivity.
- Need for Technology Startups in India.
- Constraint in agri supply chain was discussed briefly.
I- Inbound Logistic
H- Human resources
I-Input, P-Processing
A- After sale
- Agribusinesses face many challenges and developing an effective and efficient procurement – These challenges are related to the production process and manufacturing equipment. Advances in machinery have expanded the scale speed and productivity of farm equipment. Agriculture players from farmers to end consumers are discovering that these technologies can play a role in optimizing the fiendishly complex agriculture supply chain. Advances in digital and analytics technologies offer a way to optimize the agriculture supply chain. The agriculture industry is capturing more data than ever on everything from agronomy to the weather to logistics to market price volatility. Agriculture marketing is a method that includes gathering storage preparation shipping and delivery of different farming materials across the country.
- Technology – Technology has a major role in farming and agriculture practices and with the advent of digital technology. Innovation in agriculture is leading an evolution in agriculture practices thereby reducing losses and increasing efficiency. Manual labor and hand tools used in agriculture have limitations in terms of energy and output, especially in environments. To reduce manual labor and make processes faster combined harvesters are finding greater use. Indian farming is characterized by small landholdings and the need is to partner with others to take advantage of modern machines.
Role of Modern Technology in Agriculture:
1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
2. Modern equipment