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Home » Articles » The need of a new distribution channel for drugs…read all about it in the latest issue of Samvad …
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⦿   2 Mins Read

The need of a new distribution channel for drugs…read all about it in the latest issue of Samvad …




Health is wealth, but now, even Health needs Wealth…!!!  Here comes an exclusive issue of Samvad Magazine on Healthcare management.

The Healthcare industry in India is the third largest in the world,which is expected to be $280 billion industry by 2020. A developing country like India’s stands at $17 billion. Its generic drugs industry has been critically reviewed bypharmagiants across the globe.In such a scenario, an overview of pharm industry is brought to you by the Interview Section of Samvad. Mr.RanjitShahani, Managing Director of Novartis India Ltd, shares with us his long 43 years of inspiring and eventful career in pharma industry. When Healthcare industry is witnessing mushrooming of Healthcare institutions,it calls for a check on quality.Read the informative article on credit ratings in Healthcare like NABH, CDSCO, JCI, NAB, and CRISIL. Healthcare encompasses wide range of functions generally classified as generalists and specialists. The importance of administration and coordination between these functions and overall human resource management is discussed in an exciting article on HR issues in Healthcare.

Also go through the Operations section of the issue, which discusses the need of a new distribution channel for drugs, which is the perfect mix-n-match of the existing models. Check out the article that discusses the relatively new term of hospital marketing trends in India and gain knowledge on the need for differentiation in nurturing a brand. And also,being the destination for over 800,000 medical tourists last year, see the prospects of enriching the scope of medical tourism in India, throughthe related article in General Management section.

Dear readers,we dedicate this issue exclusively for your well-being.

Read Better to Know Better. Take care

Click here to access the June 2013 issue of Samvad, themed as “Healthcare Management”.

Keep reading and do write for us. Please send in your entries to samvad.we@gmail.com.

Visit our Facebook page:  Samvad: WeSchool Student Magazine, and Fb Samvad Group.

We shall be eager to know how you found the issue. Please feel free to write in with your valuable comments. Your valuable feedback is what keeps us going.

On that note, wishing you Happy Reading!


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