Articles in Conference Proceedings
1. Trends and Developments in Green Libraries: A Bibliometric Approach
Rajakumar Alagar, Dr. Madhan Kumar P, Dr. Madhavi Lokhande
Conference Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Libraries
2. Uncovering the Negative Side of Technology: Exploring the Cybercrime Landscape in BFSI Sector
Dr. Jai Raj Nair, Dr. Anita Pillai, Dr. Hema Doreswamy
Excel India Publishers (Conference Proceedings)
1. “Impact of Gender Inclusive Initiatives of Organizations on Women’s Work Life Balance: Evidence from an Emerging Economy”
Dr. Madhumita Guha Majumdar
International Conference: Gender, Work, Organization Conference 2018 to be held in Macquarie - June 2018.
2. “Perception of Young Generation towards the Society: An Opinion Mining Approach”
Dr. Madhumita Guha Majumdar
International Conference: Eighteenth Global Information Technology Management (GITMA) World Conference, in Mexico - July 2018.
3. A Pattern Identification of Indian Insurance Firms: A Non-Radial Malmquist Approach
Dr. Madhumita Guha Majumdar
National Conference: 30th AIMS Annual Management Convention 2018, Bangalore - August 2018.
4. “Proposal to create a closed loop supply chain system that supports the agenda of Sustainable Cities”
Prof. Aparna Krishnamoorthy & Dr. Madhavi Lokhande
Workshop: National Institute of Advanced Studies, IISC - May 2018.
5. Urbanization and Construction Workers
Dr. Hema Doreswamy, Dr. Madhavi Lokhande & Dr. Santosh Rupa Jaladi
Workshop: National Institute of Advanced Studies, IISC - May 2018.
6. Rentals vs Ownership: Is it a Change in Consumer Behavior?
Dr. D. N. Murthy & Mr. Sumanth Nayak
Excel India Publishers - Conference Presentation ISBN:978-93-86724-35-9 - Jan 2018.
7. Factors Leading to Strategic Orientations of Organizations: A PLC based Perspective
Dr. D. N. Murthy & Mr. C. N. Narayana
Excel India Publishers - Conference Presentation ISBN:978-93-86724-35-9 - Jan 2018.
8. Technological Innovations Influencing Consumer Purchasing Process
Dr. D. N. Murthy & Mr. Vijaya Kumar B
Excel India Publishers - Conference Presentation ISBN:978-93-86724-35-9 - Jan 2018.
9. An Overview of Indian Retail and Organized Food and Grocery Industry: a Conceptual Study
Dr. D. N. Murthy & Gargi Dasgupta
Excel India Publishers - Conference Presentation ISBN:978-93-86724-35-9 - Jan 2018.
10. Marketing Technology Reshaping Retail
Dr. D. N. Murthy
Excel India Publishers - Conference Presentation ISBN:978-93-86724-35-9 - Jan 2018.
11. Technology Driven Marketing in the Next Decade
Dr. D. N. Murthy & Y Shekar
Excel India Publishers - Conference Presentation ISBN:978-93-86724-35-9 - Jan 2018.
12. Is product Life Cycle a Cause or a Result?
Dr. D. N. Murthy & Mr. Ashish Chandra
Excel India Publishers - Conference Presentation ISBN:978-93-86724-35-9 - Jan 2018.
13. Marketing Challenges in Digital enterprise: A Comprehensive Study
Dr. D. N. Murthy & Mr. S Prashanth
Excel India Publishers - Conference Presentation ISBN:978-93-86724-35-9 - Jan 2018.
14. Study of students response to deliverables at B Schools
Dr. Kiran G
International Conference: Acharya Business School & Binghamton University USA - June 2018.
1. Sustainability efforts through Adoption of Green Logistics by organized Retail Sector in Bengaluru
Prof. Dakshina Murthy
International conference and paper presentations at SDMIMD - November 2017.